Learn to Row

Rowers on Zink Lake

After years of watching construction of the new Zink Lake project and low-water dam, the reality of consistent and predictable water has given the Tulsa Rowing Club new life and a bright future.

With Zink Lake now full of water, we want to invite ALL in the community who have ever wondered what it would be like to row in Tulsa to join us on the water and experience one of the most exciting sports in the world!

Learn to Row Classes for Beginners

If you are new to rowing and want to learn the basics, our Learn to Row classes will begin on April 1, 2025. The class includes:

  • Instruction on basic rowing techniques on our indoor rowing machines
  • Supervised on-water instruction with customized coaching

Update! Learn to Row classes for Spring 2025 are currently full. Please consider signing up for an Erg-only membership for a chance to learn the basics of rowing, participate in Erg Spin classes, and receive priority in enrollment for the next round of Learn to Row classes.

Click Here for Erg-Only Membership Sign-up: https://www.regattacentral.com/clubs/?org_id=395

Rowing Opportunities for Experienced Rowers

If you have rowing experience from high school, college or club rowing, come join us on the water!

To qualify, you must:

  • Be an intermediate or advanced rower
  • Have a valid swim test (club will provide info)
  • Have a valid US Rowing waiver (available online)
  • Be assessed by a club Master Rower

Please contact info@tulsarowingclub.org for more information.